Medical programs
(Chronic dorsopathies, with and without secondary disturbances)
Expected effect:
• Reduction of pain
• Increased range of motion
• Reduction of the degree of scoliosis
• Reducing or disappearance of pain along the damaged discs and in the course of innervation of nerves
• Improvement of peripheral blood circulation
(Post-traumatic arthrosis, arthritis, consequences of fractures)
Osteochondropathy, hereditary diseases of the joints
Expected effect:
• Reduction or complete disappearance of pain
• Increasing the range of motion in the affected joint
Ankylosing spondylitis
(Spondylitis disease, Shtryumpelya Mara)
Expected effect:
• Reduction of pain
• Increased range of motion
• Improvement of peripheral blood circulation
Incorrect posture
(Kyphosis, scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis)
Rheumatoid arthritis. Spondylitis
(gout, psoriasis, Roiter Diseases)
Expected effect:
• Restoration of the microcirculation
• Restore trophism and circulatory
Gynecological disease
"Healthy mother - the country's wealth"
Infertility, ovarian dysfunction, conduction disturbances tubes, chronic inflammatory changes, adhesions ovarian disease and appendages. Colpitis, vaginitis, menopausal neurosis. Menstrual irregularities (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea). Mastopathy.
• Malignant neoplasms or suspicion of their presence
• The period after an abortion before the first menstrual cycle
• Erosion and erosive cervix (if not suspected cancer pathology)
• Polyps of the uterus and cervix
• Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
• Cysts and uterine cystoma
• Uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cystic breast mastopathy that requires ecological intervention
• The period after surgery of malignant neoplasms
Prevention of urological and andrological diseases
"Men's health - a guarantee of successful marriages"
Chronicle nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, acute and chronic nephritis tubular nephritis, urinary stone disease, chronic prostatitis, chronic cystitis, prostate adenoma I stage. Erectile dysfunction of diabetes, atherosclerosis, neurogenic, psychogenic origin. Peyronie's disease. Nocturnal enuresis, age incontinence.
- Mineral Water Spa Spa mineral water
- Underwater (hydro) massage in mineral water
- Physiotherapy
- Gymnastics in the pool with mineral water
- Manual, classical, therapeutic massage
Endocrine disorders
(Diseases of metabolism disorders)
Thyroid disease (associated with iodine deficiency, subclinical hypothyroidism, non-toxic diffuse goiter, thyrotoxic diffuse goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis, thyroiditis, lipoprotein metabolism disorders, oxaluria, hyperuricemy. Post-diabetic complications angiopathy, polyneuritis.
Deep stage of hyperthyroidism, expressed with secondary complications (cardiothyrotoxicosis and etc..). Diabetes mellitus decompensated with ketoacidosis, precomatose symptoms, labile currents (with frequent hypoglycaemia). Endocrine obesity of organ genesis (cancer of the endocrine glands) and IV stage of any type of obesity when circulatory failure of II - III stages.
Expected effect:
• Improved metabolism
• Improvement of the clinical picture of the disease
• Reducing the dose of medicines
• Improving the general condition
• Increasing physical activity and disability
Atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, lichen ruber planus, acquired ichthyosis, keratosis, scleroderma.
Skin diseases of all types in the acute stage, purple dermatitis, parasitic skin disease, purulent skin diseases, skin reticulosis (gemodermiya), systemic lupus erythematosus, photodermatosis, late skin porphyria, xeroderma pigmentosum.
Weight loss program
- Diet therapy
- Underwater (hydro) massage in mineral water
- Massage the total, manual, classical, therapeutic (slimming effect)
- Peloidotherapy (mud applications)
- Shower "Sharko"
- Spa mineral water
- Hydrocolonotherapy
"Manager syndrome"
Expected effect:
• Increased activity
• Reduction of neurological manifestations
• Reduced headache and irritability
• Improved sleep, appetite and mood.